The Provincial Grand Lodge of
Perthshire West
"Putting the Brethren First"
The Masonic
Heart of Scotland !
Updated 30th November 2024
Commissioned Office Bearers
Provincial Grand Master
Depute PG Master
Substitute PG Master
PG Secretary
Senior PG Chaplain
Junior PG Chaplain
Bro. William M.S. Semple
Bro. John K. Bryce
Bro. Martin Cockburn
Bro. Alan S. Duff
Bro. Roddy A. McInnes
Bro. Duncan Kinloch
The United Lodge of Dunkeld No.14
Lodge St.Kessac No.269
The Lodge of Dunblane No.IX
Lodge Breadalbane No.657
The United Lodge of Dunkeld No.14
Lodge Blairhoyle No.792
Office Bearers 2022
Provincial Grand Senior Warden
Provincial Grand Junior Warden
Provincial Grand Treasurer
Provincial Grand Almoner
Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies
Assistant Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies
Provincial Grand Senior Deacon
Provincial Grand Junior Deacon
Provincial Grand Architect
Provincial Grand Jeweller
Provincial Grand Bible Bearer
Provincial Grand Sword Bearer
Provincial Grand Dir. of Music
Provincial Grand Piper
Provincial Grand Marshall
Provincial Grand Standard Bearer
Provincial Grand Inner Guard
President of Stewards
Provincial Grand Tyler
S Harris PM No.792
I Ford PM No.14
M W Greene PM No.814 & 1036
J M S Greenfield PM No.614
T Johnstone PM No.171
G Orr PM No.171
D Ireland PM No.815
R Mitchell PM No.171
P Spicer PM No.657
S Gibson RWM No.IX
J C. Duff PM No.657
J Alexander PM No.269
G Meek RWM No.276
B Bennett MM No.14
R Forbes RWM No.614
P Norris PM No.815
M McDonald MM 814
G Wilson PM No.38
T Gordon PM No.14
Provincial Grand Stewards
Bro. R Irwin PM No.IX
Bro. M Kane RWM No.1036
Bro. D McDonald WSW No.14
Bro. R Lean RWM No.14
Bro. P Linee WSW No.815
Bro. D Crerar RWM No.269